February 4 & 5, 2016

Congratulations! You have registered for the Masters of ArchiCAD Summit.

Get ready to learn from the smartest power-users who will share their skills, tips and tricks for getting the most out of ArchiCAD.


Payment Receipt
Your payment receipt/invoice will be automatically emailed to you within the next 15 minutes. If it is not in your inbox then please check your spam folder.

Summit Schedule
The Summit will run from 9 am to 6 pm PST (California time = GMT - 8) on both Thursday February 4 and Friday February 5, 2016. Each presentation will be about 60 minutes, with some time allotted for introductions and Q&A afterwards. Sessions will be scheduled 90 minutes apart (e.g. 9 am, 10:30 am, Noon, 1:30 pm etc.)

You will receive a separate email with the live program schedule closer to the event. Remember, all the live trainings will be recorded and posted to the private members area where you will have permanent access.

Check out the FAQ section at the bottom of the page. If you don't find the answer listed in these Frequently Asked Questions, send an email to


Phil Alsopp, USA
Using Point Cloud Files from Laser Surveys for As-Built Data

Timothy Ball, UK
IFC Automated Specifications and Keynotes

Van Hohman, USA
Optimized Workflow and Client Communications for Remodels

Eugenio Fontán Yanes, China
From Concept to BIM: ArchiCAD Design Strategies

Ed Haynes, USA
ArchiCAD Design for Live Events, Restaurants and Theater

Karoly Horvath, Australia
Managing Colour Schemes in ArchiCAD

Andreas Lettner, Austria
Collaborative Design with ArchiCAD BIM Server

shawn B hopkins, South Africa
Using Data to Inform the ArchiCAD Design Workflow

Gary Lawes, UK
Hacking GDL - Practical Parametric Object Making, Part 2

Duncan Gilchrist, USA
Concept Modeling: Complex Geometries and Large Projects

Rich Matthews, Australia
How to BIM an Indian Palace in Australia

Eric Bobrow, USA
ArchiCAD Speed Tricks, Shortcuts and Power Tools


NOTE: Schedule will be announced in late January
All times are PST = California time = GMT - 8

Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled some of the most common questions about the MASTERS of Archicad SUMMIT and how it works. However, if your question is not answered below please send an email to

  • Is the Summit "LIVE" or "recorded"?

    It’s both. From 9 am to 6 pm PST (California time) on both Thursday February 5 and Friday February 6, we’ll broadcast live through GoToWebinar and you’ll be able to tune in, watch and listen, and ask questions.

    The sessions will also be recorded and available for permanent reference through this website. Access to the videos will be given to everyone who registers for the Summit.

  • What if I can't stay for the entire conference?

    All sessions will be recorded and made available to registrants through this website. You’ll be able to watch them at your convenience.

  • Can I ask questions during the session? Can I get in touch with presenters afterwards?

    You may ask questions by typing into the chat window during the broadcast. As time allows, we’ll address questions from the audience; any questions that aren’t answered will be reviewed afterwards and may get a response by email.

    You’ll get contact information for the presenters and may follow up with them if you wish.

  • How long are these presentations?

    Each presenter will aim for a one hour talk and demonstration. We’ll have a few minutes at the beginning for introductions and a quick chat, and a few minutes at the end for questions from attendees.

    Sessions will be scheduled 90 minutes apart, so we’ll be able to have a few minutes clear for breaks and to set up the next speaker.

  • Only some talks look interesting to me - is it OK if I watch only the ones that I like?

    Absolutely! Pick and choose the ones that seem most relevant to your practice. Some may become more interesting to you later – and you’ll be able to watch the recordings at that point if you wish.

    This will be a permanent resource, a “reference library” of ideas and practical inspiration that you may want to review from time to time.

  • Is anything going to be sold? I want to learn, not be given a pitch.

    All presenters will focus on sharing ideas, examples and practical tools and methods. Our aim is to educate and inspire, not to sell you on anything. After all, you already have ArchiCAD!

    Some presenters may have something to offer that will take you deeper along your path towards mastery.

About the Masters Of ArchiCAD Summit

The MASTERS of ArchiCAD SUMMIT is an educational conference created by veteran ArchiCAD user and trainer Eric Bobrow along with the experts named in the Summit Program. It is independent of Graphisoft, allowing us to focus entirely on inspiring, training, educating and delighting ArchiCAD users.

Eric Bobrow has worked with ArchiCAD for 25 years as a trainer and consultant. His firm Bobrow Consulting Group (BCG) was U.S. Reseller of the Year in 2000, ranked in the top 5 for 10 years, and was awarded Graphisoft Platinum VAR status during a successful 20 year run, before switching gears to focus on training and consulting in 2010.

His ArchiCAD Tutorials channel on YouTube has over 14,000 subscribers and reached a ground-breaking 2.2 million views. It is by far the most popular ArchiCAD video resource outside of Graphisoft itself.

Bobrow created and continues to develop and maintain the Best Practices Course, a comprehensive online training resource for ArchiCAD users, as well as the QuickStart Course on ArchiCAD Basics.

MasterTemplate, the Office Standard for ArchiCAD, is the most widely-used independent template system for the software, embedding best practices principles into the structure of the project files to increase efficiency, optimize productivity, and improve consistency and graphic quality.

Bobrow is the founder and producer of the MASTERS of ArchiCAD SUMMIT as well as the ARCHICAD USER website, a news portal which includes a user directory and jobs board.